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Guido has over 30 years of experience across all segments of the food supply chain, ranging from procurement, marketing, and policy development to sustainable innovation. At Facility Services of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA), he collaborates with five research groups on Food Governance 2.0. This program focuses on developing sustainable, healthy, and affordable food solutions, utilizing living labs on campus to test and optimize innovations. Rooted in the Doughnut Economy framework, this model offers a pioneering approach for public institutions. Through collaboration with governments, academic institutions, and industry stakeholders, purchasing power—rather than authority—is leveraged as a catalyst for systemic change. Within the Community of Practice of the convenant 'Together We Make Amsterdam’s Food System Healthy, Sustainable, and Fair' he works closely with the City of Amsterdam and major employers to drive structural improvements in the food system.