Professor Consumer Behaviour
Wageningen University & Research
Professor dr. Marleen Onwezen studied social psychology at Tilburg University and received her PhD on emotions and sustainable consumer choices in 2014. She works at Wageningen University and Research as theme ambassador of consumer science and as expertise leader she sets the research agenda for consumer behaviour. Since 2024 she is professor at Wageningen University in behavioural economics in enduring sustainable food choices. Additionally, she manages large scale projects that focus on consumer choices for sustainable and healthy food, aiming to answer how consumer choices can be explained and guided. Topics she works with are for example alternative proteins, emotions, social norms. Besides her function at WEcR, she is figure head of the Dutch Scientifc Agenda (NWA) competent consumers, she takes place in the scientific board of LVMH, she is part of the advisory board of the FoodEducationPlatform, and she is part of the core team healthy and safe food systems of WUR.